
Welcome! Beacon Hill United Reformed Church is a small, friendly church based in Hindhead, surrounded by beautiful countryside, seeking to love God and serve our community. You can be assured of a warm welcome. Services are held at 10 a.m. each Sunday.

Beacon Hill URC, Churt Road, Beacon Hill. GU26 6NL

Easter 2024: the floral cross and Easter garden

Change to The Hub opening hours

The Hub will only be open on a Wednesday from 9 -12 noon during May. We will now open on Mondays on the first Monday of the month, starting in June, on June 3rd from 10 – 12 noon.

Pause ‘n’ Create

Monday 13th May 1pm – 2.30pm

For adults, a bi-monthly time to be still and creative. For May, Creative Contemplation, using the embroidery exhibition for inspiration. Places limited, booking essential. Free of charge, all materials provided.  St Alban’s Community Hall, Hindhead GU26 6RB. To book your place please email lindadaruvala@icloud.com

Cards created by local artists in The Hub

Need a card for any occasion? Here are some examples of the lovely cards available in The Hub, starting at £1! Come in to browse on a Monday or Wednesday morning.

Our Community Book Corner

Come along to browse the books, borrow some for free, sit and have a coffee and swap books you have read. Open on Monday & Wednesday from 9 – 12 midday.

Eco Church Activity:

Against Breast Cancer Bra Collection

150 more bras are on their way to support this cause! Thank you to all who have donated unwanted bras in recent months. Since starting to collect we have sent 1600 bras to be given to women in African countries for personal use or as stock for their stalls.


Minister: Reverend Alison Toplas

Tel: 07969 574355 email: bhurcminister@gmail.com

Lay Preacher: Karen Smith Tel: 07742 669341 email: kpmsmith@hotmail.com

Secretary: Hugh Le Fanu
Tel: 01428 607546
email: bhurcsecretary@gmail.com

Treasurer: Christine Allen
Tel: 07713 153110 email: bhurctreasurer@yahoo.com

Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Karen Smith

Tel:  07742 669341

Deputy Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Christine Allen

Tel: 07713 153110

Email: bhurcsafeguarding@gmail.com

United Reformed Church Daily Devotions

The URC provides a daily devotion with a short Bible reading, reflection and a prayer. These are now available each day as a podcast.
If you would prefer to receive these reflections by daily email, you can sign up here.